As a father, we have many responsibilities, the first responsibility is to protect our families. People always reference Gandhi, but the quote is inept in practice as there is only one party who ends up blind. If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, then lets be blind together. To be very frank, no father should care about the politics, religion or feelings of anyone when it comes to protecting their family. As a father myself, I will use whatever tools at my disposal and will take it as far as it needs to go and beyond when it comes to my family with immediate expediency and force. If you come for my family, pray to your god, because you will pay in this life, or the next.

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I often think of Ahmaud Aurbry’s last minutes on earth. He was hunted like prey, knowing the predators were trying to end his life. This is the sum of everyday Black life, and until we come out of denial into the light, we will continue to lose. The high road, turning the other cheek, being the bigger person are perceived as weakness. They don’t apply to warfare. In warfare you make people think twice before they hit you because they fear what they’ll get back.

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I’m wondering how you’re gonna give it back to them (and how that works for you). Cuz here’s the thing about retaliation: You don’t know how it works until you do it. And who knows what would’ve happened if you fought back sooner? Maybe it would’ve helped, but perhaps not? However, when lies are disseminated about us, we need to do what we can to dispel them. And we need to help those we admire when they’re being wrongfully slandered — not by necessarily going after the person who started that lie, but by educating the public on the truth. I’ve done that for you btw… I don’t waste my time on fanatical crackpots, but I’ve come across ppl on social media in the civil rights space who posted false info they heard about you, and I corrected them. And they stopped. You helped me do that about a year ago or so, when you responded to lies about taking money from impacted families (i.e. Tamir Rice’s mom). That statement you made, where you detailed what really happened, gave me the ammo I needed to tell your truth. I firmly believe that if you continue to dispel the lies with truth, that empowers those of us who respect and follow you to fight for you as well. ✌🏽♥️💪🏽

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You are only showing the bullies how it feels and I'm in on taking them down. Seems taking the high road only gets us muddy these days. The society we live is bipolar and doesn't want to be medicated.

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Remember what Gandhi said: An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind. We manifest what we believe.

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I feel your pain brother. You are absolutely right how those who spread bad or misinformation have no repercussions for their actions. Just like the same way politics is getting taken over by the craziest brain dead evil people. The problem is no accountability for their actions. They have nothing to fear.

You need to put a stop to that and change how they feel. Put them on blast 10x more than they do you, use dummy accounts like they do to say or post anything you want about them. Make them understand there is repercussions for their actions. Use your journalism skills to uncover the info they fear others would see. Be the change that is not there.

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Intent is understood for protecting your family. However, I suggest ensuring innocent bystanders are not caught in the crossfire upon your retaliation. What sacrifice, personal or transferred, are you willing to accept?

Please don’t misinterpret what is stated above. I too would at least consider any possible solution, or attempt, to protect my family. Yet, I want to prevent realization of myself, and my family, for becoming the evil from which I’m defending against.

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Shaun, we all face challenges in life. The Internet has provided a platform for people to be disrespectful and even menacing, with little fear of recrimination. Facebook is part of the problem, in that they are too often unwilling to remove 'controversial' posts, because it is click bait. Facebook's follow-up reports often begin with" 'We know this is not the outcome you were hoping for', like it is a foregone conclusion that bad actors' can remain on Facebook. As a former educator turned animal advocate, I have dealt with closed minds and open mouths of naysayers and come across false friends and true enemies. I STILL endeavour to follow the high road to a greater purpose. Getting 'down in the dirt' with the naysayers, only reduces you to their level. Often the perpetrators want confrontation, and may even welcome it. Why give then an opportunity to further their bad agenda. A mentor once shared a theory, which I respect: 'When you are in the verbal line of fire, stand back. Someone else will take them on.' When bad behaviour is met by bad behaviour, it only begets more bad behaviour. Be the better person.

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I'm so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. It breaks my heart to hear that they are changing what you stand for, though.

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Bruh, it's about time. Bring the pain. They deserve it. Self defense is a right.

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These people do not live by a code. They do not have the decency to keep your family out of things. You have no choice - any means necessary. Wishing you and yours peaceful and long lives.

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I am so sorry for you and your family and all you guys have been through. I had to become something that wasn't who I dreamed of in order to survive a bad situation. Do what you must to survive and protect yourself and your family. I also think you should think and go bigger. You're not the only ones who have and will suffer this way. We need consequences for these crimes and that takes legislation, precident. Let's help protect the future generations. Educate and organize is how we can help, but Im not qualified for the details. Show us the way. Don't ever stop fighting for your family!! Love and Peace♥️✌️😎

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I feel your pain however if it were me I would continue to do what you do best.

Bring justice to issues in society that really demand your attention and intellect.

I wouldn’t fight those people and make a war over issues based on their benighted ignorance.

Take the high road. Being in the public you’re always subject to being maligned.

Bringing constant attention to the negativity and harassment that you suffer makes you look like a victim rather than the strong warrior you are

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It's called Karma for a reason. Anyone who treats you bad, deserves the same energy back. However for your heart, turn to your community to help protect you. I'm (non status) Mi'kmaq First Nations and Disabled, and when things like this happen to me, I turn to my community. In Canada I may not be recognized as Native (both my grandmother and my father married white people, and I am technically 1/4 Mi'kmaq, 1/4 Welsh, and 1/2 Eastern European Jew) the Mi'kmaq community does. Karma goes around in circles, do good, and good comes to you, do bad, and well expect bad in return. Wantaqo'ti (Peace/Be Well -Mi'kmaq)

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Family first

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Have you sued for defamation? Thinking of Sandy Hook lawsuit.

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